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                           BOWEN THERAPY

During your treatment your practitioner applies gentle “rolling” moves on very specific points on the muscles, tendons and ligaments. These moves are often applied in special Sequences, initiating relaxation of the muscles, flexibility of the fascia and increased circulation of blood, lymph and energy. All serve to bring about the often profound results positively affecting many conditions in the whole body. At specific times during the treatment, the practitioner may allow your body to rest.

This can be an important part of the treatment, when your body is given time to react to the work that has been done. It also is a time for you to relax – you may wish to “tune-in” to how your body may be responding to the work.


After - Treatment Reaction

Although a gentle therapy when applied, ISBT-Bowen Therapy may initiate a deep healing structural correction. Occasionally some people may experience unusual reactions, mainly after initial treatments. There is no cause for alarm if you do. These are positive signs that the body is undergoing necessary healing processes. You may feel stiff, experience occasional sharp pain, heat or brief shivers, headaches or even feel a little tired or emotional. These reactions are usually brief as your body undertakes healing. If you are uncertain about any reactions, contact your practitioner.


What ISBT – Bowen Therapy Treats

ISBT- Bowen Therapy is applied to treat a broad range of physical ailments including muscular, structural and visceral and internal (complaints). A wide variety of complaints usually respond

extremely well:

  • Low, middle or upper back pain or stiffness

  • Neck pain or stiffness

  • Shoulder or arm problems, including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (pain, numbness or tingling in hands or fingers)

  • Headaches, migraines, dizziness

  • Sinusitis, eye, ear or nose and throat problems

  • Sciatica, pain in the groin, hip or buttock

  • Thigh, hamstring or knee problems

  • Lower leg, ankle, foot and toe complaints

  • Lymph and circulatory problems


ISBT- Bowen Therapy often alleviates asthma and other respiratory problems. Also its impact on kidney, bladder, stomach and lung problems can be profound. There are other benefits of ISBT- Bowen Therapy for people with degenerative complaints such as:

  • Arthritis

  • Parkinson’s Disease

  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

  • Fibromyalgia

Totally Active Healing Centre

312A The Entrance Rd,
Long Jetty NSW 2261

P: (02) 4333 1231  M: 0405 123 173

Opening Hours

Tues - Sat      9.00am - 4.00pm

Sun                9.00am - 3.00pm

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